Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Biogeochemical cycles and our plants

Overall the plants have changed quite a bit over the time we started the project. You can totally tell the difference from when we first started to now. The overall height has changed and a little bit of the width has changed since we have started this.

The water cycle has been affecting the plants by plants put down roots to draw water and nutrients up to the stems and the leaves, some of the water is returned to the air by transportation. during dry period, transportation can contribute to the loss of moisture in the upper soil zone.

The carbon cycle relates to the overall changes in the plants by the carbon from the atmosphere going to our plants through the soil and right back out back to the atmosphere, the cool thing is it does that same process through animal and the ocean but the most fastest biological cycle depends mostly on plants.

The Nitrogen cycle relates to the overall changes in the plants because the plants need the nitrogen to produce the Amino acids, DNA, and the proteins.

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